The Cave MN
Get Back Home
Remember back to February of 2020? I can recall we had just stepped into a new year; the year of ‘Clear Vision.’ Clear Vision indeed. Looking back we can see very clearly what was to come. How inescapable it all was. A great deal of discernment and clarity has surfaced since then. But, do you
The Art of Listening
Listening is rapidly becoming a lost art. Arguably more important than speaking, the ability to authentically listen is a vital skill and an even more vital practice. In order to perfect a skill, one must practice. How often each day do you practice listening? So many ways to do this. One can listen to sounds,
The Art of Listening Read More »
Where’s the Juice?
Where do you get your juice? No I don’t mean like fresh squeezed although delicious, I am talking about your energy, your spark, your pizazz, your juice. What feeds your creativity? Your soul? Your life’s work and purpose? Tragically a lot of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to get our
Where’s the Juice? Read More »
Be the Change
It feels like we have been getting ready for change for a long time now. I can think back to the last women’s circle I helped facilitate in March of 2020, right before the proverbial shit hit the fan. We had questioned circling at all, and indeed, our number shrank as the news raged all
Let it Flow!
Flow. It’s really something we all can benefit from, maybe even something we all crave. To be in the flow, floating, carried, trusting the trajectory. Our world, our very beings, are comprised of energy and one of the main truths of energy is its constant motion. It must flow. Everything is always in motion, so
We’re Expanding!
Dear Friends, If you have not heard, we are expanding into our sister town of Mound in June! This new location will feature a large & heated yoga studio, two spa rooms, a salt cave, and a rooftop to practice in the summer sun and under the stars. We are going to move all large
Persist, it is the title of a new book written by Elizabeth Warren, a woman I respect for her courage and values. Also for her persistence. This is a woman who has fought her way into leadership in a man’s world. A woman who has been smacked down and derailed from her path. Whose
Evolve! Naturally
“Look at me! I’m growing!” We have all heard this popular phrase. Often uttered in a self-deprecating manner when someone has tried something new or gotten past some hurdle. And it’s good. It’s good to grow, to try new things to step out of our comfort zones and ingrained patterns. The samskaras of the mind.
Stuck in-between. Such an uncomfortable place to be. Stuck in-between an argument, an ideology, a social construct, commitments, personalities. Not an ideal place in-between. Back when I taught grade school those spaces were the hardest for children. What we educators called transition times. Moving from one space or activity to the next. These are the