Despite the dire circumstances Mother Earth is bursting forth into a glorious Spring. Sunshine, soft breezes, budding trees and the bright colors of tulips and daffodils. The earth seems to be saying thank you for the break from overtaxing her resources, and we humans are soaking in her glory.
We the people of the earth do not thrive indoors and without connection to others. We are all witness to how the human beast is reacting in a variety of ways. Not all positive, not all healthy, not all with love.
But…there is love. When we venture outside and see families, couples, friends, walking or exercising together, or just simply hanging out; we can feel the love. It’s almost palpable, the energy which hums around these groups of people who are bound and sheltered together.
Take a moment and feel it. Embrace this loving energy which vibrates around these tightly knit micro-communities. It’s hopeful and beautiful and far outweighs the low level lizard brain reaction of an angry minority.
That energy does not deserve yours. The loving energy does. People who are bound together during this crisis are feeling the love like perhaps never before. It’s almost like as if leaving their homes for a walk creates a bouncing glowing bubble of loving energy.
Even if we walk alone, we smile, we wave, we make eye contact or greet one another. There is a friendliness, a crack in the barrier of the social distancing we have always practiced with strangers. We have broken through to a new dawn of energy. One which is cocooned in love and the inherent human connection we all share.
Embrace this. this energy is far more powerful than the shouts of a mob scene. This energy is Divine, it is ancient wise and powerful. It is Love and it comes from Source.
And Source always brings us back to trust. If we can’t or don’t trust in the loving energy which is infinite and Divine then we crumble into fear, anger and blame. We stop loving.
One of my personal intentions is this; I know the Light of Divine Source, I feel this Power. I share this essence with all souls…I am never alone.
Embrace the energy of love. You are not alone.