And just like that we are circling once again over our lives in a holding pattern. One week after the energy shifted post election the word on the street is all about the Pandemic.
Beyond the news coverage many of us are experiencing first hand the far reach of this virus. We know personally of more and more cases.
It’s getting real folks. For some of us it’s been real all along. For others it’s been something to tolerate, or ignore, rebel against, get angry.
Where do you fall in this continuum? No matter how you feel we cannot deny this is affecting our lives. Dramatically.
Personally this whole thing has destroyed much of what I held sacred. My work, my community, my joyful and loving interactions with others, my freedom. If freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…then think about what you have lost during the Pandemic. We have not really lost so much from the material world, remember the toilet paper? It was hoarded, and may be again, but not really lost. In fact, many retailers have gained a great deal during this time…hello Amazon.
In my humble world view opinion we could stand to lose more material attachments. The stuff might make us feel better for a second but does not nourish our souls. What does is connection. To each other, to self, to Spirit. Our immediate family we can connect with & protect. But our extended families? Friends? Social life? Our educational and Spiritual communities are suffering, or we are denying all this, and carrying on as if it’s is not happening.
Our freedom to plan for the future is in a holding pattern. For many of us what used to work, what used to fill us up, simply is not working anymore. We are stuck.
It’s like we are in a big old jet plane circling over the landing strip of our lives wondering if we will run out of fuel.
I’m sick of it. I’m sad about it and I’m angry. I’m angry about a once flourishing new business, a dream, suffering. I’m angry I can’t go out to eat dressed up pretty with my partner. Go to movies, to concerts to events of any kind. I’m sad I can’t create the way I best know how…bringing people physically together to share, learn and grow. I’m so sad I can’t just hop on a plane back and forth to support my aging mother. To see my siblings, to live and to give.
How about you? Voice these feelings and see where they land. Burying how this has changed your life is not helping to move us collectively through this. We need to come together in a cohesive fashion to find solutions and heal from this thing. People are dying. People are suffering. People are afraid and many many of us feel stuck.
We are going to have to think about our choices and how they ripple out into the broader community. If we want to get back to normal and land back home we need to accept the not normal restrictions and requests being made upon our lives. We need to stop being so selfish.
The word society can be defined as an aggregate of humans living together in a more or less organized community. It could be argued living together in a less organized way is not working. If freedom for all is to be served perhaps a little more organization and sacrifice is in order.
Being in a holding pattern is collectively holding us up. Let’s break this pattern before we run out of fuel.